Over 3,000 votes for concert!

Over 3,000 concert requests, 100 verified artist profiles, and 1 official award!

These are the first of many achievements of our European concert app, Tootoot.

Mobile app, Tootoot, was an instant hit among both music fans and industry professionals already within its first few weeks of existence. Soon after launching, Tootoot gained recognition in the AppRulez 2015 competition with a prestigious 2nd place award in the category “Unbranded Applications.”

Already over 100 European artist profiles have been verified, most of which are active users utilizing the app alongside social media in order to get a better understanding of their audience. So far the largest amount of concert requests made its mark last month on the official artist profile of rapper Majk Spirit. He actively promotes Tootoot online and during his live performances. “Concerts are my life. I see this as an intriguing way to connect,” says the popular rapper of the opportunity to interact with fans.

So far Tootoot has generated over 3,000 concert requests, most of which are for local artists. Already 90% of fan requests have been made with no specified date in mind. 50% of these active users are willing to travel away from their hometown to see their favorite artists perform.

The latest update for Tootoot Android offers the option for music club managers and cultural event organizers to create a free profile, giving them a new source for events with prospective new artists to look out for. Tootoot is currently in the process of polishing several new services, such as the ability to create events in a self service style system available to all promoters, clubs, and bands already in the system.

#tootootapp  is available to download for free on Google Play and on the AppStore, too. For users wishing to check the service without the app, a beta version of Tootoot is available at www.tootoot.co.

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